Working Group Proposal - Hartland x CRD x RDN
Working Group Model to Develop Building Policy That Supports Waste Reduction and Source Separation Hartland x CRD x RDN
Presented by Cassidy v. Ros of Nickel Bros
The Why:
Transfer stations such as Hartland landfill are implementing C&D waste restrictions without supportive policy from building departments. By including building departments in these changes and having them commit to providing educational materials with permits, as well as applying bylaw updates in tandem, these waste restrictions would be easier for builders to adapt to and as such would have more impact.
The What:
A working group would consist of:
Building department staff
Waste management department staff
Landfill staff
Interested development, waste management and demolition (alternative) companies
Interested non-profits
By including all of those who are accountable for reducing construction waste, we will be able to create fully circular, upstream and downstream alternatives.
It must also be recognized that most building departments are prioritizing operational emissions via new construction to Step Code, without acknowledging the huge amounts of waste and embodied carbon this approach releases. Encouraging building departments to take accountability for their role in waste reduction within a collaborative and educational environment is critical to supporting behavior change.
Examples of supportive policies which could be implemented:
Salvage requirements that prioritize demolition alternatives, such as home relocation and deconstruction. (See the Home Waste Prevention Toolkit, attached separately.)
Challenge solved:
Waste does not need to be sorted or disposed of if it is not created in the first place.
Tracking of waste for builds in exchange for a refundable deposit if under a certain threshold.
Challenge solved:
Source separation as a financially incentivized practice will ensure that materials are delivered to transfer stations correctly, limiting resources needed at that level to sort materials for reuse vs. disposal.
Having these requirements at building permit stage means education is happening prior to work on site begins, rather than at the transfer stations after work is underway or has been completed.
This would encourage efficient use of materials that limits waste (or even better, facilitates inventory sharing between projects!), and also prevents the need for additional materials to be used, limiting consumption and manufacturing needs per project.
The How:
Working group would include at least 1 decision maker from each regional organization.
Example:Chief Building Inspector or Chief Administrative Officer from the Cities.
Working group will include at least 1 “boots on the ground” staff member or volunteer from each regional organization.
Transfer Station Attendant
Non-profits and private companies may apply for a working group spot via whichever person they feel is best suited to it.
Working group would meet at minimum every quarter.
Working group will advise the accessibility committee of changes made to ensure educational materials at each stage are appropriate for all community members.
Current Status:
Prior to confirming and marketing this opportunity, there are already 3 private companies, 2 individuals, and 4 non-profits interested in being part of this working group.
For Further Discussion:
Contact Cassidy:
604-209-1513 /
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